I’ve been incredibly busy as of late, and if you follow my posts you may have noticed that I haven’t updated in a while. 2015 began with a rocky start, a handful of dreams and lot of rather big decisions to make in a short amount of time. In a series of blog posts, I’ll attempt to catch y’all up on my news: The good, the bad and the ugly.
Up until this point, I’ve been very hush-hush about my activity over the past few months; largely due to being busy, ill and exhausted. Last september I injured my foot pretty badly, followed by a series of back and neck injuries that have left me somewhat incapacitated. It seems that I always forget just how physically painful my life can be until I have another injury. A chain of muscle spasms here, a dislocation there and overwhelming migraines are not terribly unfamiliar to me. When I’m going through a good period, I often work long, hard hours and certainly don’t rest as much as I should. But how can I when I have all of these ideas, dreams, plans and hopes crying to be realised? My brain won’t let me rest easily, I’m almost sad to say.
I’ve not yet had enough time nor energy yet to upload the extended edition of my recent album, Made in a Day – a release that will be made available in (cassette) tape format, alongside the digital version. This, of course, requires me to take pictures, write descriptions and to notify people through the appropriate social media platforms. All-in-all it’s quite stressful for me, and not something that I can engage with half-heartedly. Backer copies have been sent out now (thanks guys!), but I’ll make sure to try to make copies available to the public soon.
Oh, and speaking of unreleased music, Transmission 03 has been sitting around, ready to be mastered and have artwork made for it. But the tracks themselves have been done for a while. Can’t wait to finish the release and make it available for download! There’s some killer tracks that I simply can’t wait to show everyone! And of course, life wouldn’t be complete without a minor mention that I have another EP on the way, this time with a focus on ballads. It’s a while off from completion though, as I’d really like to do collaborations with other artists on this one! Currently, two tracks have been fully recorded and a third is on its way through the studio.
At some point over the next two years, I’m really hoping to do a Dr. Carmilla release. I have songs that basically just need recording, and a whole concept album that is already half-finished. Perhaps I’m just being a bit hopeful, though? For 5 years, Dr. Carmilla was a HUGE part of my life and seemed to occupy any ‘free’ time I had. It seems strange to me that I’m not doing much of it these days. Still, I’m very hopeful that I’ll find the time to give The Doctor a lot more attention. But at this very moment, now is definitely not the time.
As a final note, I’d dearly love to do another riot grrrl album. The work I did on Made in a Day, especially in the B-Side section of the extended edition, was such a wonderful experience. It’s nice to be doing work that speaks more politically and personally about my life. And by nice, I also mean pretty harrowing. Working on the album brought back a lot of unpleasant memories. Many I’d almost wish to forget. But I really wanted to speak from the heart. To tell my stories, experiences and thoughts to others in a really raw and honest way.
If you’ve made it this far congratulations!
To be continued in Part II!
* Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome