Made in a Day, Released on a Tape?

Made in a day cassette tape

So, whack might be a way that people describe me for doing this, but I’m wanting to release a longer length version of my EP, ‘Made in a Day’ on cassette tape! Well, actually, I’m thinking of doing my entire discography on tape, it’s just that MIAD seemed the most appropriate to begin with! Most of my disco-graphy, including Made in a Day, currently don’t even have a CD release. I love downloads, but sometimes you just want something sexy to hold and a nice, intricate booklet to pour through as you listen to the album. I know I do!

The EP itself is a queercore/riot grrrl collection of songs that I wrote and recorded in the comfort of my studio, fueled by coffee and the perverted desire to talk about my feelings and experiences whilst hitting a guitar.

If you’d like to have a listen, you can check out the EP version on my bandcamp page: ‘Made In a Day’ on my Bandcamp page!

It’ll be a small scale release, but it’ll be professionally produced and printed. I only need around £100 (about $160) to make this happen, but I *am* rather poor at the moment (and in general).

So please, if you can, take the time to have a look, and even make a donation. Or if you can’t / don’t want to, but still want to help, please help share the link below! And without further ado, you can help out here!